Guy searching for the name of the first, and of the last, American to die in the Vietnam War.
(Photo by Tom Kenevan, American Legion Post 11)
American Legion, Post 11 Booyah Sale
1708 N. Irwin Ave
September 14, 2024
Serving starts at 12 noon until sold out. Bring a container
or we have a small supply on hand. Individual bowls will
be available inside the post. Price of Booyah is $5.00 a bowl.
The Auxiliary will be having a baked goods sale. All proceeds
will benefit the numerous veteran programs. Come out and
support your local veterans. Thank You!
Hot Topics:
7- Post 11 Awards Banquet
Cocktails at 5:30pm. Dinner 6pm.
10- Executive Board Meeting 6pm
Auxiliary Meeting 6pm
SAL Post 11 6:30pm
Business Meeting 7pm
13- Cut Veggies for Booyah at 9am
14- Booyah/Bake Sale at Post 11, at noon
16- County Council at 6:30pm in DePere
18- 40 et 8 Promenade 7:30pm
24- Social Meeting at 6pm
5- 9th District Fall Conference in Suring
5- Breakfast Buffet 8am to 10:30am
8- Executive Board Meeting 6pm
Auxiliary Meeting 6pm
SAL Post 11 6:30pm
Business Meeting 7pm
12- Meat Raffle at Simonet’s Bar 925 Main St.
(Time will be posted on Website & Facebook page.)
15- Birthday Dinner 6pm
16- 40 et 8 Promenade 7:30pm
22- Social Meeting 6pm
22- Newsletter Articles Due
30- Prep Newsletter Mailing 9am
NOTE: Newsletter
October 22nd Deadline for Newsletter Articles
October 30th Prepare newsletters for mailing 9am
- Ron Wesoloski, George Vanderzanden, Richard Haywood, Patrick Biersteker.
- Jeremy Rugg, Michael Schultz, Thomas Shelby.
- Commander Bill Kaczmarek
- Post 11 Office: 920-465-6841
- Adjutant: vacant
- Email: legionpost0011@gmail.com
- Post 11 website: www.sullivanwallenpost11.org
- Post 11 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmericanLegionPost0011SullivanWallen
If anyone is available for the Proko Wall Courage Cookout September 14th and would like to be part of the ceremony or just attend please let CJ or Proko Wall know.
If anyone would like to do either Flag folding or rifle training we can discuss a date at the business meeting on September 10th.
The Fall Booyah/Bake Sale will be September 14 at noon. At $5 a bowl it won’t last long.
Breakfast is canceled for September.
Breakfast will be served on October 5 from 8:00am to 10:30am. It only costs $9 for adults-all you can eat!!
Some veteran related events in the Green Bay area:
September 13- One Mile and Camp Hometown Heroes to support Gold Star Children in Hagemeister Beer Garden at 6pm. (More information available at Facebook page Team ONE MILE and www.TeamOneMile.com).
Oct 5-Car Show 10am to 3pm at Polish Legion American Vets, 3927 Lily Lake Rd, Eaton, WI.
October 27-Salute To Service Party at Stadium View 11am to 4pm. Need to register to attend.
Nov 9-Veteran’s Day Commemoration at the Yacht Club. Doors open at 10am with the ceremony at 11am.
1st Thursday of the month-Marine Corp League Detachment 1130 meets from 1800-2000 hours at Festival Foods Community Room at 2430 University Ave.
I seemed to use up a lot of space the last time I wrote to you, so I’ll make it real quick this time.
First off, we’ll soon be entering my favorite time of year, Autumn. That means that the weather should start cooling and the real colder stuff won’t be far behind. That means all of you Scouts out there (and those of you who never were Scouts) need to get prepared!
Second, We’ve got a busy fall ahead of us and in the next few weeks we’ll be busy with a Breakfast and our fall Booyah the following weekend. On Friday, September 13, we’ll be cutting vegetables and then on Saturday, September 14, we’ll be cooking and serving the Booyah. If you can help out in the Kitchen, we’d appreciate it very much. Bring a sharp knife if you have one. Then, in October, we’ll be holding our first in a long time “Meat Raffle”!
After that, we’ll be gearing up for the winter and that means our Kids Christmas party. Then the winter slumber until we pick it back up in the spring. So, let me thank all of you for what you do to make the post better. All your hard work is beginning to pay off and I’m happy to report that one goal has been accomplished, the AC system has been updated and is functioning. Now, on the next project: the parking lot!
Commander Bill Kaczmarek
Welcome Autumn!
President Mary Van Egeren - 920-737-5587 - Mary Krutz - 920-680-7938
-Since our charter in 1919, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.
To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Green Bay community. Join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. (click Sponsor or Booster Button for details). 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.